This weekend I've been struggling with a problem of time. Specifically time to read the Bible. I love to read, and the Bible is fascinating (though many times extremely confusing), however over the past few months my readings have gotten fewer and fewer. I still get to hear the word at Bridge, and I usually skim it's pages before Spurs, but I've found that the Bible doesn't move me like it has in the past.
This weekend I've also found that I have fallen back into an old habit I've had since my mom bought me my first Nintendo Entertainment System, or the NES for those who know. Being an only child I latched onto video games way back, and as the years progressed so did my playing them. More recently I have become a Halo junkie. As a freshman in college, the year before I found Christ, I had a xbox controller in my hand every night. My friends an I could have powered a small city block with all of the juice we used during our 16 player CTF (capture the flag) matches. And that was just for the first Halo. Since then Halo 2 and 3 have risen and the future Halo Wars and ODST are on the horizon. Did I mention I have a Halo poster in my house?
Between racking up kills in online deathmatches, finding the perfect sniper spots, getting the triple kills with a rocket launcher, sticking my opponents head with a blue grenade, and going online to read up on strategies, days of my life have been devoted to Halo. But what do I have to show for it?
Today I read something from the Bible that pricked my skin... ALOT. No, I didn't read the Bible, but I did read a book that referenced it. That's close enough right?
In it I was reminded of the greatest commandment. If you're a little rusty like me I'll type it out. It may also help me remember it.
It comes from Matthew;
"'Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?' Jesus replied: 'Love the LORD your God with all of your heart, with all of your soul, and with all of your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment.'" (Matthew 22:36-37)
24 hours in a day
730 hours in a month
8,765 hours in a year
I know that I will spend some of my time playing Halo again. Halo is fun, and I enjoy playing it with friends, but it cannot take the importance of getting closer to God through reading His word. And I can never find out more about Jesus, or work to influence the world like Him unless I read diligently. Because in the end after the day is done and we put down the controllers, God is still standing silently waiting for us to serve and work to get closer to Him. Halo is a game. God is life.